Benefits of Sealed Rivet ġewż over Conventional Fastening Solutions First, they offer a more permanent hold than viti or boltijiet and the grip does not loosen over time Also you can install without special tools which makes it an inexpensive way to fastener anything your heart desires. In addition to this, sealed rivet nuts are available in dozens of sizes and every material under the sun so they fit many applications.
Sealed Rivet Nut is an innovation in the field of fastening solutions. Sealed rivet ġewż derive their name partly from the inclusion of a special rubber O-ring that ensures they are water- and dust-tight where moisture or debris might enter via the hole through which fasteners must be installed. And sealed rivet nuts being a bad alternative in weathered or harsh environments when exposing it would just blindly slip and enter at corroding and weaken.
The sealed rivet ġewż provide more safety features over other fastener methods. The nature of rivet nuts to distribute the load over a larger area rather than weight at only one point like with viti or boltijiet, serves as an anti-distortion and stabilizing factor. In addition, the supplemented O-ring seal reinforces additional protection against moisture responsible for rust in a metal fastener promoting that it can deteriorate and become dangerous.
Sealed rivet ġewż are easy to install with no special tools or abilities. Step 1:- Before installing the support bracket make sure that installation hole is clean and free from dirt/ dust. Then, press the nut it in hole and under compression using a press or properly sized driver. As the pressure from pulling is created, it causes your rivet nut to expand and in turn grab onto whatever material you are mounting it with.
It-tim tal-bejgħ u ta 'wara l-bejgħ tagħna huwa mħarreġ ħafna u huma konxji sew tal-qafliet u ħardwer ieħor. Dan għamel il-komunikazzjoni faċli u aktar mgħaġġla.
Aħna kburin ħafna peress li huma prodotti ta 'kwalità għolja. Il-qfieli tagħna huma kollha magħmula biex jilħqu l-ogħla standards ta 'kwalità mill-fabbrika tagħna ċċertifikata ISO kif ukoll ir-rekwiżit tal-QC.
Wuxi Sunny negozju ewlieni huwa l-manifattura boltijiet ġewż pin, Għandna inventarju estensiv ta 'boltijiet li standard (ras hex, ras T, ras kwadra, bolt tal-flanġ), ġewż (daħħal ġewż, ġewż irbattut, ġewż tal-għatu hex), washers li jillokkjaw ċatti u diversi pinnijiet ta' rilaxx malajr u pinnijiet ta 'indiċjar fl-istokk . Aħna kapaċi nissodisfaw id-domanda tipika tiegħek u nibgħatulek fi żmien 3 ijiem tax-xogħol b'loġistika ta 'malajr u konvenjenti.
Il-fabbrika tagħna mgħammra bl-aktar magna avvanzata li tifforma l-kesħa f'diversi stadji, tagħmir għall-irrumblar tal-ħajt u magni ta 'kontroll diġitali. Għandna wkoll tekniċi professjonali li ilhom fin-negozju tal-qafliet għal aktar minn 20 sena. Aħna niddisinjaw il-komponent tal-qafla nilħqu d-disinn tal-kampjun tiegħek.