Are you struggling to push for work up the heavy objects in your workplace? If you work in manufacturing or construction, having to lift up a heavy weight is no fun at all. Do not worry, the Wuxi Sunny Groove has come and all of that back breaking toil will be made undone.
The Lifting Nut is a tool that mankind cannot imagine how easy it lifts and rise in a smooth way. The image of an ordinary nut was three times stronger than the lift. So now you are able to lift more than your body can handle which is way less chances of getting injured. Plus, Wuxi Sunny Lifting eye screw has an ergonomically and intuitively fitting Lifting Nut in your hand for the best user experience.
It is constructed of high-quality materials, built for lasting use. It has a symmetric design shape that allows constant load distribution throughout its entire surface unlike traditional ġewż. Wuxi Xemxija Ss eye nut lowers the chances of a nut slipping or snapping, specifically on heavy gadgets.
The Lifting Nut is designed to be a safety-first only. Ġewż tal-għajnejn is designed to prevent the slipping of both materials from your hands or back. To make sure no one hurt themselves included some safety locks to prevent loading overages.
How to Use the Lifting Nut
The Lifting Nut is simple to use, screw it onto the bolt hold on your protected lifting device. Put the nut on your other item next. Keep in mind that a mere twist of the nut is enough to lift your load. It will also work with most of the regular hoisting mechanisms, because definitely that apparatus you used for pulling out is on here to be utilized when working.
It is crafted from the best materials; it gets extensively tested so that they can stay for a long time under any circumstance. Ġewż tal-għajnejn tal-istainless steel comes with a warranty so you can be sure that this is simply an indication identifying itself as it guarantees quality.
Għandna professjonisti tal-bejgħ u tim ta 'wara l-bejgħ li huwa infurmat dwar il-ħardwer u l-qfieli. Dan jagħmel il-komunikazzjonijiet tagħna malajr u effiċjenti ħafna.
Wuxi Sunny hija primarjament involuta fil-manifattura boltijiet ġewż u pin. Għandna firxa ta 'bolt standard kif ukoll skorfini (boltijiet ta' ras hex, boltijiet ta 'ras T, boltijiet ta' ras kwadri, boltijiet tal-flanġ), woxers tal-qfil ċatti u diversi pinnijiet ta 'rilaxx mgħaġġel u pinnijiet ta' indiċjar. Aħna kapaċi nissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tipiċi tiegħek u nwassluk fi 3 ijiem tax-xogħol permezz ta 'loġistika rapida u effiċjenti.
It-tim tagħna huwa professjonali magħmul minn esperti b'aktar minn 20 sena esperjenza fl-industrija tal-qfieli. Nagħmlu parti tal-qfieli skont ir-rekwiżiti jew il-kampjun tiegħek.
Il-prodotti tagħna huma l-aħjar kwalità. Il-fabbrika tagħna ċċertifikata mill-ISO u l-istandards QC jiżguraw li l-qfieli kollha tagħna jkunu sa l-aktar standards stretti.