Thumb viti Captive for Security
Grease zerk fittings on the other hand their maintenance-free qualities mainly help in a place where you always need to turn and change boltijiet or handles overdoors. If the above scenario sounds all too familiar, then be thankful for the Captive Thumb Screw, designed with components that are able to work jointly and together more easily on equipment.
Captive Thumb Screw (Alias: Captive Knob, Captive Torsion Lock), Safety and Convenience For Your Equipment Never Lose the knobs or screws anymoreThey can stick to your equipment after get loose due to their trepanned structure. Not only will this offer ease of access day-to-day for those small changes, but you can rest easy knowing that your camera is still firmly in place.
With an innovative design and solution, the Captive Thumb Screw addresses one of mine (and yours) common problems: Missing Knobs or Screws during maintenance and use. This screw locks the knobs/screws in place and keeps them from loosening so they will not move.
Beyond convenience the Captive Thumb Screw also is a benefit for safety, by removing unspecified several unattached knobs or viti. This minimizes loose items falling, which is what causes equipment to fall and controls slide while in use causing harm.
The Captive Thumb Screw is designed to meet a variety of applications and requirements, offering substantial benefits across multiple scenarios. This screw can be applied in many cases, such as DIY projects, laboratory or workshop experiments & field equipment restraint etc. From electromagnets, printed circuit boards to welding machines - the Captive Thumb Screw is perfect for screw adjustments on equipment that require regular calibrations.
Kif Użu
The Captive Thumb Screw is used quite easily. Simply screw it into your gear and follow the right tight, left loss concept. The captive feature means that the knob or screw is still connected to your equipment--just not very tight at all, preventing it from getting lost and avoiding needing any other tools specific for its use.
Captive Thumb Screw just crushes customer service, period. Our committed team is waiting to assist with all of your product inquiries and make certain you receive the perfect-fit, optimal solution for excellent optimization. We offer tailor made projects specific to your custom equipment requirements also.
Because, There are several viti that we employ for the solution or building and they happen to be generated out of high-grade elements in addition to go through tough good quality examining from so it performs properly plus present long-lasting results. Feel secure that if you select our product for your equipment needs, it is a long-term decision.
Il-prodotti tagħna huma l-aħjar kwalità. Il-fabbrika tagħna ċċertifikata mill-ISO u l-istandards QC jiżguraw li l-qfieli kollha tagħna jkunu sa l-aktar standards stretti.
Il-fabbrika tagħna mgħammra bl-aktar magna avvanzata li tifforma l-kesħa f'diversi stadji, magni tal-irrumblar tal-ħajt u magni tal-kontroll diġitali. Għandna wkoll tekniċi professjonali li ilhom fil-manifattura tal-qafliet għal aktar minn 20 sena. Aħna partijiet tal-qafliet tad-dwana skont il-ħtiġijiet tiegħek jew saħansitra l-eżempju tiegħek stess.
Wuxi Sunny negozju ewlieni huwa l-manifattura boltijiet ġewż pin, Għandna inventarju estensiv ta 'boltijiet li standard (ras hex, ras T, ras kwadra, bolt tal-flanġ), ġewż (daħħal ġewż, ġewż irbattut, ġewż tal-għatu hex), washers li jillokkjaw ċatti u diversi pinnijiet ta' rilaxx malajr u pinnijiet ta 'indiċjar fl-istokk . Aħna kapaċi nissodisfaw id-domanda tipika tiegħek u nibgħatulek fi żmien 3 ijiem tax-xogħol b'loġistika ta 'malajr u konvenjenti.
Għandna professjonisti tal-bejgħ u tim ta 'wara l-bejgħ li huwa infurmat dwar il-ħardwer u l-qfieli. Dan jagħmel il-komunikazzjonijiet tagħna malajr u effiċjenti ħafna.